VCD Romeo Must Die
20th Century Fox (HK)

The Movie
English Title Romeo Must Die
Year 1999
Country USA
director Andrzej BARTKOWIAK
actor Jet LI Lianjie - 李連杰
Russel WONG
Delroy LINDO
Henry O
Grace PARK
Francoise YIP Fong-Wa
Genre action
The Item
Video 4/3
Movie Format : 1.33
Languages english stereo
Subtitles simplified chinese burned
Special Features
Menus No menus
Disc Double CD NTSC

NB : Those specifications haven't always been verified. We cannot test every single DVD, VCD or CD which is present in this database. The provided information comes from the item cover or from the distributor website or documents. We try our best to check its reliability, especially for the languages and subtitles.
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