ABE Toru
Abe Tooru


year  grade  avg.  nb
Demon Pond 夜叉ケ池 1979 1.75 1
Ballad of Orin 1977 3.12 2 available medias for this movie
Girl Boss: Diamond Showdown 女番長 タイマン勝負 1974 3 1
The Blossom and the Sword 1973 4 1
Female Yakuza Tale 1973 3.22 15 available medias for this movie
Fearless Avenger 1972 3.75 1
Sukeban Guerilla 1972 2.43 7 available medias for this movie
Trail of Blood 1972 3.19 4
Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Counterattack 1971 2.42 3
Okatsu The Fugitive 1969 3 3
A Ronin Called Nemuri 1968 3.25 1
Namida gawa 1967 3.25 1
Abashiri Prison 1965 3.38 6
Mushuku Mono 1964 3.42 3
Tokyo Gang vs. Hong Kong Gang 東京ギャング対香港ギャング 1964
Narazu-mono ならず者 1964 2.75 2
On the Road Forever 1964 3.25 1
The River Fuefuki 笛吹川 1960 4 8 available medias for this movie
Take aim at the police van 1960 3.06 4
Human Condition 人間の条件 1959 4.26 26 38/100 available medias for this movie
Man Who Causes a Storm 1957 3 2
Wolf 1955 3.5 2
Eternal Breasts 1955 4 1
Battle of Roses 薔薇合戦 1950 2.5 1
The Portrait 肖像 1948 3.5 1


year  grade  avg.  nb
Okatsu The Fugitive 1969 3 3


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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