my grade



number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 8number of reviews: 10number of reviews: 22number of reviews: 14number of reviews: 37number of reviews: 42

Cinemasie's opinions

18 reviews: 3/5

your opinions

123 reviews: 3.75/5

White Snake 4.5
750XX 4.5
abouimran 4.5
Aerosniff Someglue 4
allain 4.5
andy_on 5
antigone 4
Antonelli 4.75
ArkyvD 5
assous harry 4.75
Bama Dillert 0.25
Bamboo 3
Bart052 3.5
Bastian Meiresonne 4.25
batto 5
Bjam 5
Black_pantha 3.5
bobo avocat 4
Chang La Rage 3.75
chronofixer 4
cityhunter 3
conrad 5
crazyfool 5
Cuneyt Arkin 3
Dakysto 4.5
danny 4
Dao Yang 5
dll_povtyp 4.5
Dooliblog 3.25
dttsurfeur 3
el sinior canard 3.5
elodie76 5
eniger 3.5
Flichtenbloden 4.5
François H 4.5
Fred30 4.5
gackt-ange 5
geez 5
gerald 5
GunSharp 4.75
Hidelirium 4
Hiro Saka 4.75
Hojo 3
Hots@uce 2
Hotsu 2
Illitch Dillinger 2.5
Inoran 4
Inspecteur Tahar 0
Iron Monkey 2.5
Izzy 4.25
Jack2352 2.5
Jacques_McB 5
jeff 4.25
jeff_strike 2.5
jep 4
Jérémy 4.5
Jérôme.D 4
jinroh 4.5
JoHell 4.5
jool 4
JSM 4.25
k-chan 2.25
Kamiku 4
Kanashii Uchiki 3.5
Kelly 4.75
Khanheda 4
Killdonalduck 4
Kit Mat 4.5
koalaurent 4.25
Kokoro 4
koneko 4.5
KrazyMeer 4.5
La girardasse 3
le singe 4.25
Léo 3
lesamouraifou 4.5
LiMuBai 4.75
lo sam pao 3.25
Macareux moine de Bretagne 0
Maggielover 4.75
Manolo 3
manuhard 3.75
Mapkoz 4.5
Marine-Kim 4
mattMAGNUM 4
Mémé 4.5
Mouton Agile 5
n.stavengard 3.25
nebular 5
Neirda 3.5
niconewfunk 2.5
nisei 4.25
Oh Dae-soo 4.25
Omerieux 4
osdohtem 4.25
Phildu62 3
pikoti 2
Pikul 2.5
popoyo 3.25
punkfloyd 4
Qumran 2.5
QuyTam 3
Rage_against_the_machine 3.25
Ronan 3
Samehada 3.5
sanosuke 4.5
SansH 2
Sauzer 3.75
Scaar Alexander Trox 4.75
Scalp 3.25
Sciamano 2.75
Secret Tears 4.25
Sifu Tetsuo 4
Sir the metal 4.5
Titeuf@ 4.5
tony li 4
Toxicguineapig 3
Tred 3.75
TsimShaTsui 4.75
tsunami 5
tu0r 2
ultima 3
wfei-hung 3
willi 5
X27 4.25
yansan 3.5
Zalem 2.5
Zoal 5

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Ying xiong

I saw "Hero" on my birthday,9th of march,and that was my biggest present to me,because I've saw the movie,which is near to perfection(including "Crouching Tiger")!Yimou has created a movie,perfectly directed,visually stunning,terrificly performed,with a great cinematography and breathtaking fight choreography. He's a real master! "Hero" dazzles with its visuals and fight scenes,because they're brilliant.The cast is fantastic.Here we've got the best asian artists-Jet Li(Nameless),Zhang Ziyi(Moon),Maggie Cheung(Flying Snow),Leung Chiu-Wai(Broken Sword) and of course Donnie Yen(Sky).All of them has made a great performances!Te cinematographer Christopher Doyle has made something very amazing and impressive,the fight choreographer Ching Siu-Tung has made the fight scenes to look stylish and spectacular,the script is smart and deep. There are some bad things about "Hero": 1.Despite the good choreography bu Siu-Tung,the fight scenes are too slow on a moments and too short.In a word unsatisfying.Next to Yuen Woo Ping's fight scenes in "Crouching Tiger",these look like a ballet,witch isn't good! 2.The visuals looking great really,but the bad thing is that they look also fake on some scenes. 3.The CGI effects aren't first-rate at all.(for example:The scene where Li and Cheng save the chaligraphic school from the arrows and the scene with the fighting between Li and Yen,where Yen spread water with his sword.) But no metter those bad things,"Hero" is amazing! No doubt to me it is the best looking movie of all time.This martial arts epic has got a great philosophical story,brilliamt acting,stunning visuals and marvelous fight scenes.It's a MASTERPIECE!

01 March 2005
by nebular

buy it
