IKENO Shigeru
Ikeno Sei


year  grade  avg.  nb
Denso Ningen 電送人間 1960 2.5 1
Big Shots Die At Dawn 顔役暁に死す 1961 2.25 2
Kaei 1961 4.25 1
The Black Test Car 1962 3.5 5
Indulgence 1962 3.5 2
Zatoichi 07: A Tough Kite 1964 3.78 8
Kizu­da­rake no sanga 1964 4 1
Ken 1964 3.82 25 available medias for this movie
Ninja 5 1964
Red Angel 赤い天使 1966 3.99 18 available medias for this movie
Freezing Point 1966 3 1
The Great White Tower 1966 4.08 3 available medias for this movie
The Lake 女のみづうみ 1966 3.22 9 available medias for this movie
The Woman Gambler 1967
Zatoichi 16: Breaks Jail 1967 3.7 10 available medias for this movie
The Affair 情炎 1967 3.54 7 available medias for this movie
Affair in the Snow 樹氷のよろめき 1968 3.05 5 available medias for this movie
Yokai Monsters : Spook Warfare 1968 2.81 4 available medias for this movie
Zatoichi 19: Fighting Drums 1968 3.89 11 available medias for this movie
The House of the Sleeping Virgins 1968
Peony Lantern 牡丹燈籠 1968 2.75 2


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Flop underline a poor performance

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