LEE Tae-Won
이 태원


year of Birth1938


year  grade  avg.  nb
Strokes Of Fire 취화선 2002 3.51 47 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
Strokes Of Fire 취화선 2002 3.51 47 available medias for this movie
Chunhyang 춘향전 2000 3.78 32 available medias for this movie
Raging Years 하류 인생 2004 3.02 24 available medias for this movie
The oldest son 장남 1984 2.5 3
The General's Son 장군의 아들 1990 2.67 3 available medias for this movie
Mulberry 뽕 (Pong) 1985 3.5 3 available medias for this movie
Gagman 개그맨 1989 3.38 2
The Tae Baek Mountains 태백산맥 1994 3.5 1 available medias for this movie
Le Rêve 1990 2 1
Seventeen 세븐틴 1998
The General's Son 3 장군의 아들 3 1992


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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