Ricky YI Fan-Wan
Ricky Yi Fan-Wai


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Killer 喋血雙雄 1989 4.45 156 2/100 available medias for this movie
Mad Stylist 至激殺人犯 1997 4 1
An Eye for an Eye 1990 3.79 6
Just Heroes 義膽群英 1989 3.61 47
OCTB 重案實錄O記 1994 3.57 48 available medias for this movie
Cop of the Town 流氓公僕 1985 3.56 4 available medias for this movie
The Outlaw Brothers 1988 3.54 19
Point of No Return 都市煞星 1991 3.5 1 available medias for this movie
The Informer 金手指 1980 3.5 1 available medias for this movie
The Unmatchable Match 風雨同路 1990 3.39 11 available medias for this movie
Law Enforcer 皇家飯 1986 3.38 4 available medias for this movie
It Takes Two to Mingle 1990 3.38 2
Mr. Mumble 1996 3.31 27 available medias for this movie
Legend of the Dragon 龍的傳人 1991 3.3 16 available medias for this movie
My Dear Son 1989 3.25 3
Sex and Zen 3 玉蒲團III官人我要 1998 3.17 3 available medias for this movie
Lee Rock 雷洛傳之雷老虎 1991 3.11 14 available medias for this movie
How to Meet the Lucky Stars 运财五福星 1996 3.08 3
The Case of the Cold Fish 月黑風高 1995 3 2
Chasing the Dragon 追龍 2017 3 3
Path of Glory 沖天小子 1989 2.92 3
Blood Stained Tradewinds 1990 2.88 4
City War 義膽紅唇 1988 2.83 25 available medias for this movie
The Log 1996 2.75 4 available medias for this movie
To Catch The Uncatchable (TV) 棟篤神探 2004 2.75 1
Fearless Match 初生之犢 1994 2.75 2
The Gigolo 2015 2.67 3
Sex and Zen 2 玉蒲團II之玉女心經 1996 2.65 17 available medias for this movie
Rhythm of Destiny 伴我縱橫 1992 2.62 4 available medias for this movie
Asian Connection 1995 2.54 14 available medias for this movie
Final Justice 霹靂先鋒 1988 2.52 12 available medias for this movie
Fatal Mission 1991 2.5 3
Sifu vs vampire 天師鬥殭屍 2014 2.4 5
Deadly Deal 1991 2.38 2
Forsaken Cop 1990 2.38 4
Those Were the Days 1997 精裝難兄難弟 1997 2.17 3
The Fortune Buddies 勁抽福祿壽 2011
Portrait of a Serial Rapist 屯門色魔 1994
Killing Betrayer 清理門戶 2003
City Maniac 1995
Love and Death on the Edge 1999


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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