List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Hong-Kong Once upon a time in China 2 黃飛鴻二之男兒當自強1992 4.22 (94 Reviews)
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard 水滸傳之英雄本色1992 3.6 (15 Reviews)
Once Upon a Time in China 4 黃飛鴻四之王者之風1993 3.13 (39 Reviews)
Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎點秋香1993 3.77 (27 Reviews)
Fong Sai-Yuk 2 方世玉續集1993 3.44 (40 Reviews)
Once upon a time in China 3 黃飛鴻三之獅王爭霸1993 3.69 (62 Reviews)
A Warrior's Tragedy 邊城浪子1993 3.14 (7 Reviews)
Sword Stained With Royal Blood 新碧血劍1993 3.52 (11 Reviews)
The Tai-Chi Master 太極張三豐1993 3.73 (83 Reviews)
Fong Sai-Yuk 方世玉1993 3.77 (46 Reviews)
New Legend of Shaolin 新少林五祖1994 3.1 (37 Reviews)
The Lovers 梁祝1994 4.06 (67 Reviews)
Once upon a time in China 5 黃飛鴻五之龍城殲霸1994 3.65 (42 Reviews)
Wing Chun 詠春1994 3.43 (41 Reviews)
Burning Paradise 1994 3.69 (42 Reviews)
Hail the Judge 九品芝麻官1994 3.54 (18 Reviews)
The Three Swordsmen 刀劍笑1994 1.67 (6 Reviews)
The Little Drunken Masters 小醉拳1995 1.92 (3 Reviews)
A Chinese Odyssey - A Pandora's Box 西遊記月光寶盒1995 3.96 (48 Reviews)
Sun Valley 日光峡谷1995 2.65 (5 Reviews)

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