By the team of Kung fu Dunk. Enough said! 
Incredibly bad movie, even worse than the already shameful Kung Fu Dunk. The totally incoherent plot tries to mix too many characters with their boring sub-plots. The rhythm is so bad you will often feel sleepy. The production values are not that bad, there is a decent budget and a big cast, but the movie doesn't even look that good, with some ridiculous masks for bad guys. Action scenes are so-so, Ching Siu-Tung is just repeating what he already did dozen of times before, with some good CGI. But a couple of decent fights can't make it up for an incredibly amateurish script, poor acting (Jay Chou as an expert archaeologist? Anyone?), bad directing and music. The result is just a shame given the probably impressive budget for a Taiwanese production. The use of talents like Eric Tsang and Chen Daoming in such cliche characters is another shame. Female characters are useful, the romance story tries to be a bit original but just feels as boring as the rest.
But all this is nothing compared to the incredibly bad script. The story feels like a mix of plenty of different influences, probably heavily cut to keep the movie under two hours. Some characters appear from nowhere to disappear some minutes later without any explanation, the character relationships just feel completely incoherent by moments, and absolutely never involving for the audience.
To summarize, if you are 12 and fans of Jay Chou, ok, go for it, you may enjoy this movie. However, anybody over 12 enjoying this movie should never ever call him/herself a movie fan.