DVD Eye, The
Entertainment No. 1


Excellent 16/9 image, fixing all the problems of the HK DVDs. No more compression problems, it's sharp and with impressive colors.


Excellent job for the sound also, with a DDEX and a DTS ES tracks, both impressive and using all the speakers. Please note that the test was done without rear speakers, thus only in 5.1 and not in 6.1.


Ouch... It's very surprising to see out-of-synch subtitles on a korean DVD. All the DVDs seem to have this default. Unless you speak korean, it make the movie very difficult to follow...

special features

A watchable documentary with some interesting infos about the movie. Worth a look.


Nice animated menu, and nice package. Good job here too.

quality/price ration

Technically, it's the best edition without any question. The price is maybe a bit high when you look at the special features though. However, if you don't speak korean, the subtitles will probably get you mad... Until they fix this problem, it's wiser to consider the HK special edition.

19 February 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 30 €
the movie