DVD Shaolin Temple
Mei Ah DTS, Widescreen - remastered edition


Quite a nice image for such an old movie, especially from Hong-Kong. The definition is particularly impressive, even on a big screen. However, the compression is slightly less efficient than on the usual Mei Ah DVDs. Otherwise, it's quite clean, but not cleaned. The colors seem quite faded at the beginning, but the rest of the movie is much better.


The 5.1 mixes are disappointing because most of the sound effects are both on the front and surround speakers. The first DTS remixes from Mei Ah were more simple but less annoying. That's sad, because the music was finding a new presence on those mixes. But hopefully, the original mixes are also available.


Some mistakes, but nothing serious

special features

The trailer, and a very short cast and crew.


Nice animated menus, cardboard and plastic package, this DVD looks nice.

quality/price ration

Nothing really serious to complain about here. Of course, there are no special features, but the image is good, if not perfect, and there is the choice between a DTS remix for tech fans and the mono mix for fans of original mixes. Recommended. The korean edition could have a better image, but the price is much higher.

03 December 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 17 €
the movie