Liste des films

Pays Titre Année Moy. (nb)
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Indonésie Under the Tree Dibawah pohon2008 4 (1 Critiq.)
Yasujiro's Journey Yasujiro Journey2004 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Iran ABC Africa 2001
Les Derniers jours de l'hiver Akharin rouzhaye zemestan2011
Five 2003
Italie La Chine Cina1972 4.25 (3 Critiq.)
Inde, terre mère 1959
Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin Nella terra dei mujaheddin2001
Japon A la recherche des soldats perdus 3 Zoku Mikikanhei o Otte 31975 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
AA AA2006
Ambivalent Future: Kurosawa Kiyoshi Aimai Na Mirai2002 2.75 (1 Critiq.)
Annyong, Sayonara 안녕, 사요나라2005 3.75 (1 Critiq.)
Antonio Gaudi 1984 3 (1 Critiq.)
Arakawa Arakawa1993 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
August without him Kare no ina hachigatsu ga1994 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Bakushi 2007 2 (1 Critiq.)
Behind Flower and the Snake 2006
Campaign Campaign2006 3.25 (3 Critiq.)
Cinéma de notre temps : Takeshi Kitano, l'imprévisible 1999 3.31 (8 Critiq.)
Conversations sur Ozu Conversations about Ozu1993 3 (3 Critiq.)

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